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Frequently Asked Questions
How does the AA500 achieve complete automated start up and shut down?
- The AA500 comes integrated with a software-controlled pump platen, programmable reagent valves, and other automated components. Custom start-up and shut-down programs can be created in the software to fully customize your automated analysis. With the click of a button, the analyzer can engage its platen, begin pumping wash solution through the system, and turn on heating baths and lamps. It can then automatically begin pumping reagents in the proper reagent order, engage the cadmium reduction valve if needed, wait for and identify a stable reagent baseline, and then begin the run. At the end of the run, it can automatically dilute and reanalyzer over-range samples, then disengage the cadmium reduction valve if needed, switch over from reagents to wash solution in the proper order, switch the pump to a fast speed for expedited rinsing, shut off heating baths and LED lamps, release the platen, and raise the sample probe out of the wash bath.
What is the throughput of SEAL Analytical’s continuous flow analyzers?
- Our continuous flow analyzers can analyze samples at up to 120 samples/hour per channel, for a total of up to 600 tests per hour.
What is the advantage of injecting air bubbles in segmented flow analysis?
- Our continuous flow analyzers utilize segmented flow analysis, injecting controlled bubbles at a regular interval which provides several benefits. The bubbles reduce carryover by adding physical separation between sample and wash solution, they improve the mixing of sample and reagent in-between air bubbles, they scrub the inner surface of the glass coils as the move along, and they provide a visual of the flow through the system for easy fluidic checks.
How does segmented flow analysis compare to flow injection analysis?
- Segmented flow analysis and flow injection analysis are both types of continuous flow analysis. In segmented flow analysis, a gas bubble is injected into the sample stream at regular intervals (see question above). In flow injection analysis, samples an reagents are pumped into a manifold under pressure without any air bubble injection. Each type of continuous flow analysis uses different methods for analyzing the peaks charted as samples pass through the detector. We discuss these differences in detail here.
What maintenance is involved on a segmented flow analyzer?
- With minimal moving parts, segmented flow analysis has an advantage in requiring little routine maintenance. The maintenance involved includes rinsing out the channels after each run using the defined cleaning protocols for the chemistry ran on the instrument, releasing the platen so the pump tubes are not compressed when not in use, changing the flow-rated pump tubes at 200 hours of use, and keeping the pump clean and lubricated. Each SEAL analyzer comes with checklists and visual guides for these easy procedures, and our technical support team is always happy to assist with any questions.
Why do SEAL discrete analyzers use a dedicated quartz cuvette rather than individual styrene cuvettes?
- SEAL Analytical’s AQ analyzers come standard with a 10 mm quartz flow-through cuvette used for all readings on the system. This material ensures the highest optical purity at detection. As the detector is entirely stationary rather than rotating to different wells, there is no added variance from changes in detector alignment. Additionally, each sample is analyzed in the same cuvette rather than individual wells, eliminating a critical variable in analysis conditions.
What benefits does a probe washer bring to a discrete analyzer?
- The traveling probe washer, unique to all SEAL discrete analyzers, ensures the sample probe is wiped clean and free of droplets before each sample probe movement. This ensures droplets are not falling off the sample probe into reaction wells, sample cups, reagent containers, etc as the sample probe moves to different locations. Additionally, it provides extra cleaning to the outside of the probe to further eliminate cross-contamination. The traveling probe washer is accompanied by a stationary wash bath for additional sample probe cleaning between crucial reaction steps.
How do SEAL Discrete Analyzers prevent carryover while using the same cuvette for each analysis?
- Most carryover in discrete analysis happens during reaction preparation, but SEAL’s dual washing system described above eliminates this risk. At detection, high-speed water flushes alternating with air thoroughly clean the quartz cuvette, inspired by the proven rinsing method of our continuous flow analyzers.
Can AQ discrete analyzers run multiple parameters in a single run?
- Yes. Multiple parameters can be defined on the same samples, or different samples during the same run. This is all defined in the accompanying software that allows the analyst to define which parameters are analyzed on which samples.
What is the capacity of your discrete analyzers?
- AQ300: up to 97 sample positions; 18 reagent positions; 180 reaction positions
- AQ400: up to 120 sample positions; 26 reagent positions; 216 reaction positions
- AQ700: up to 424 sample positions, 24 reagent positions; 848 reaction positions
Do AQ discrete analyzers have hardware integrated to analyze for Nitrate+Nitrite by cadmium reduction?
- Yes, all AQ discrete analyzers are equipped with the ability to run Nitrate+Nitrite by cadmium reduction, in addition to other common reduction pathways including hydrazine sulfate, vanadium (III) chloride, and enzymatic reduction. A tubular cadmium coil is fitted in a dedicated loop so only sample and buffer pass through the cadmium coil during the reduction step of a Nitrate+Nitrite test. All other tests bypass the cadmium coil so that the cadmium coil can always be installed on the system.
Do AQ Discrete Analyzer offer in-line pre- and post-dilutions?
- Yes, all SEAL discrete analyzers offer auto-dilution capabilities. Dilutions can be assigned to samples before the run for the analyzer to dilute the samples immediately before analysis. As an additional option, over-range samples can be flagged by the software for auto-dilution at the end of the run. The software allows for dilution factors and post-run quality control bracketing for dilutions to be customizable by test, ensuring you meet your compliance requirements.
General Questions
What are SEAL Analytical’s robotic handling systems used for?
- Our robotic systems automate sample preparation and analysis processes in environmental, agricultural, and water testing laboratories, ensuring higher accuracy, repeatability, and efficiency.
What industries benefit from SEAL Analytical’s robotic handling solutions?
- SEAL robots can handle soil, water, food and agricultural samples with precision.
System Capabilities
What sample types can your robotic systems handle?
- SEAL robots can handle soil, water, and agricultural samples with precision.
Can I use different robots for separate steps in my workflow?
- Yes, our robotic systems are modular. You can use each robot independently for specific tasks, such as sample prepping, sample collection, weighing, measuring and splitting. You can also combine them for a fully automated workflow.
What kind of automation benefits can I expect from SEAL robots?
- Increased throughput, consistent results, reduced operator error, and better resource allocation in the lab. Additionally, our robotic handling systems help reduce health and safety risks by lowering the number of repetitive tasks for lab technicians and limiting exposure to hazardous samples or reagents.
Integration & Compatibility
Can SEAL robots integrate with other laboratory instruments?
- Yes, our robots are designed for seamless integration with a variety of laboratory instruments (meters) and data systems.
Is it possible to customize SEAL robots to fit specific lab needs?
- Yes, our robotic handling systems are known for their flexible configurations, designed to meet your laboratory's unique requirements.
Installation & Support
What does the installation process involve?
- SEAL provides comprehensive support, including on-site installation, calibration, and operator training.
How do I get technical support after installation?
- We offer remote and on-site support through our service teams and our distribution network partners based worldwide.
Is software training provided for operating the robotic handling systems?
- Yes, we provide detailed training sessions to ensure your team is confident using the robotic systems and their software.
What training resources are available if our lab expands its automation capabilities?
- Our technical experts are always available to help you customize your robotic system to your needs or train new technicians to operate the software.
Maintenance & Upgrades
What is the maintenance schedule for SEAL robots?
- Routine maintenance schedules are recommended and can be handled by your team or our service technicians. Depending on the system and its usage, our expert will recommend the appropriate preventive maintenance frequency during installation.
Can SEAL robots be upgraded as technology evolves?
- Yes, we offer upgrade paths to ensure your systems stay current with the latest technological advancements.
Your MiniLab System
How do I determine which robotic handling system is right for my lab?
- Our technical experts will guide you in selecting the best solution based on your sample type, throughput requirements, and workflow. From basic automation to the most complex systems, our solutions are designed to meet your needs and budget.
Is my digestion protocol approved on your BD28, BD50, and/or DEENA system?
- As the digestion block simply follows the programmed steps based on your already approved digestion method, they typically do not require a separate approval to automate an existing approved method.
How does the BD28 & BD50 digestion block improve my Kjeldahl digestions?
- The BD28 and BD50 can increase your Kjeldahl digestion precision and quality not just sample to sample, but also batch to batch. Human error is eliminated during the digestion, as each digestion step is replicated exactly by the block controller from batch to batch. Additionally, the block material and heating element’s flat plate design provide uniform heating across all digestion tube positions, ensuring each sample is treated the same throughout the digestion. This results in evenly digested samples – leading to less variance in the analysis of TKN and TKP.
Is metal contamination a concern when automating my metals digestions?
- During any metals digestion, contamination is a concern. The DEENA 4 automated digestion system for trace metals digestion is built with a metal-free digestion zone to minimize the potential for metals contamination. The system utilizes a glass top, PTFE upper housing, and carbon fiber construction for the dispensing arm, along with a graphite digestion block. We take additional contamination-eliminating steps by requiring proper ventilation, removing fumes during the digestion.
What fume hood requirements do I need to use a DEENA automated digestion system?
- The DEENA requires 80 CFM of airflow ventilation if placed in a fume hood. SEAL offers a stand-alone fume hood attachment that connects directly to the top of the DEENA to integrate with existing duct work, which allows for the flexibility to place the DEENA anywhere in the lab, freeing up valuable fume hood space. This stand-alone fume hood is sealed with a foam gasket and HEPA filtration.
Who am I talking to when I call the support number?
- When you call into tech support, a trained SEAL Technical Support Chemist will be on the other end of the phone to best assist you in any technical support questions you may have regarding SEAL’s instrumentation’s hardware, software, or chemistry troubleshooting.
Do you offer support contracts for your instruments?
- Yes, we offer support contracts that can be customized to your lab’s needs. We offer options from simple contracts that include an annual PM (preventive maintenance) on a single instrument, to complex contracts that include discounts, PMs, loan units, and emergency visits on multiple instruments. Please contact your SEAL office (or distributor) for more information.
Do you offer refresher training courses?
- We offer online, in-house, and on-site training options that are customized to suit your lab’s needs. We also offer free webinar sessions including hardware and chemistry overviews, applicable to all continuous flow analyzers, discrete analyzers, and manual methods. Please contact your SEAL office (or distributor) for more information.