BD50 & BD28 Block Digestion Systems
Improving your Kjeldahl Digestion for TKN & TKP and other high-temperature digestions through automated digestion steps and consistent sample heating.

Elevate High Temperature Digestion Productivity
If you’re looking to automate your digestion, SEAL BD50 and BD28 Systems deliver the productivity, quality and safe operation needed to get the program off to a strong start. These programmable digestion systems perform high temperature (over 380º C) digestion of samples and are available in two formats:
- 50-place for 75 ml or 100 ml digestion tubes
- 28-place for 250 ml digestion tubes
Designed for durability and robustness, the systems include a block digestion unit, programmable controller, tube rack/draft shield, digestion tubes and an optional cooling stand that supports the tube rack above the block. Ideal for Kjeldahl digestion before Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) and Phosphorous (TKP) analysis.
View the full specifications
Download the brochureWhy select the BD50 & BD28?
- Automatic operation frees key laboratory personnel from the tedious manual digestions
- Up to 20 programs with 30 steps each can be stored, allowing automation of complex procedures
- Programmable standby temperature enables rapid startup, increasing daily batch processing
- Overnight digestion capability improves throughput
- Unique heating element ensures even heat distribution across the solid alumnium block
- Digital storage of digestion methods ensures reproducibility between batches and operators
- Automatic power failure sensing and recording of digest conditions protect samples
- Built-in temperature cutoff system prevents overheating
- Controlled heating-rate changes as low as 1°C per minute prevent bumping and spattering of reactive samples
- No ongoing consumable costs, apart from power and reagents
- Compact design saves fume hood space; separate controller can be operated outside the fume hood for safety and convenience
- Minimal technical expertise and user interaction required
- Immediate support available from SEAL chemists via email, phone, or video call
Highlights of the BD50 & BD28


With a compact design and separate controller unit stored outside the fume hood, the BD50 and BD28 are designed for maximum sample capacity with a minimal footprint to save on fume hood bench space.
Utilizing a flat plate heating element, the BD50 and BD28 ensure uniform heat is delivered to every tube position, providing an identical digestion on every sample.
Choose from six different tube types, including 75 mL or 100 mL tubes for the BD50, or 250 mL tubes for the BD28. Straight tube and volumetric tube styles are available for each volume, as well as teardrop stoppers (cold-fingers) and splash heads. Additionally, non-selenized, high-purity digestion granules are also available through SEAL Analytical.
Built on top of the digestion block, the cooling stand allows for rapid cooling of tubes without taking additional fume hood bench space.
How the BD50/BD28 Works
Step 1
Digestion block is programmed
Customizable digestion steps are added to a digestion block program for automated handling of various heating needs. Block can be programmed to warm-up for expedited heating to target
Step 2
Sample tubes are loaded
An analyst dispenses sample and digestion reagent into sample tubes, loads the tubes onto the digestion block, and starts the digestion program.
Step 3
Digestion begins
The BD50 or BD28 walks the samples through each digestion step, bringing samples to target temperatures, within 2°C, at programmed speeds. Teardrop stoppers capture and recondense digest fumes reducing acid loss and preventing cross contamination.
Step 4
Samples are cooled after completed digestion
A built-in alarm alerts the analyst of the completed digestion. The analyst raises the sample rack into the cooling position.
Step 5
Samples ready for reconstitution and analysis
After cooling completes, the samples are ready to be reconstituted by the analyst and tested for desired analytes.
BD50 & BD28 Digestion Methods
The BD50 and BD28 digestion system can be programmed to meet your lab’s digestion needs, capable of heating to over 380°C . These system are most commonly used for precision Kjeldahl digestions, but are also used for persulfate digestions, metal digestions, mercury digestions, and more. Contact us to discover the best SEAL Analytical digestion system for your needs.
EPA Method Number | EPA Method Name |
351.2 | Determination of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by Semi-Automated Colorimetry |
365.1 | Determination of Phosphorus by Semi-Automated Colorimetry |
365.4 | Phosphorous, Total (Colorimetric, Automated, Block Digester AA II) |
Other models
Frequently Asked Questions
Below, we’ve listed a few frequently asked questions that will help you better understand our Digestion Systems. If you don’t find the answer you're looking for, please don't hesitate to contact our support team for further assistance.
As the digestion block simply follows the programmed steps based on your already approved digestion method, they typically do not require a separate approval to automate an existing approved method.
The BD28 and BD50 can increase your Kjeldahl digestion precision and quality not just sample to sample, but also batch to batch. Human error is eliminated during the digestion, as each digestion step is replicated exactly by the block controller from batch to batch. Additionally, the block material and heating element’s flat plate design provide uniform heating across all digestion tube positions, ensuring each sample is treated the same throughout the digestion. This results in evenly digested samples – leading to less variance in the analysis of TKN and TKP.
Ready to get started on your next digestion system?
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