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Discrete Analyzers Designed for the Environment

SEAL Analytical Discrete Analyzers are designed to not only help labs analyze nutrients in environmental samples, they also help labs take care of the environment. Design features ensure economical testing of multiple analytes in environmental samples, with the lowest detection limits, best reproducibility and with minimal impact on the environment.




Designed for the Environment

Go Green with the AQ Range of Advanced Discrete Analyzers

Designed to Minimize Waste

  • Segregated chemical waste and wash minimizes environmental impact
  • Only 500 – 600 μL of combined reagents and sample consumed per test
  • Add samples after a run has started - no recalibration required
  • Automated standard preparation and dilution of over-range samples
  • Automated blanking and spiking
  • Tests programmable per sample to reduce analysis waste and time
  • Includes the ability to run overnight


and other international regulatory compliant methods are available.

Principles of Discrete Analysis

The AQ series of Discrete Analyzers are flexible analyzers that uses the principle of discrete analysis, where each test occurs in a separate or discrete reaction vessel. They are ideal when many and varied tests are needed on different samples and/or individual results are needed in a short time.

Methods Include

Alkalinity                Ammonia         Chloride         Cyanides               
Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrite  Phenolics Phosphate- ortho
Phosphate- total Silicate  Sulfate Total Kjeldahl

United States Eenvironmental Protection Agency
