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SEAL Analyzers in the workplace

A Look into the North Pacific - The Ocean is HOT

Scientists working on the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program have been making repeated observations of the hydrography, chemistry and biology of the water column at a station north of Oahu, Hawaii since October 1988. HOT is based out of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawaii and receives funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The objective of HOT research is to provide a comprehensive description of the ocean at a site representative of the North Pacific subtropical gyre


Lake Superior University – AQ1 Strengthens Research Lab

Sault Ste. Marie, MI – The Lake Superior State University Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL) recently purchased a new instrument, the SEAL AQ1 Discrete analyzer. It is already being put to work testing local, regional and national water quality samples at LSSU and giving students real world experience with an analyzer used in many water quality labs around the United States.


Rio de Jeanero Olymics Polution

A lack in progress over 20 years

Scientists at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, who have been testing the waters around Rio for the last 20 years, have expressed disappointment with the lack of progress being made in preparation for the 2016 Olympics. Employing advanced technology from SEAL Analytical, the university's marine biology laboratory has revealed worrying trends for parameters such as ammonia, nitrates and phosphates


Townsville- Australia- water front

An Australian Lab's Keys to Success

Experience, resourcefulness and extra effort are the keys to success for this laboratory situated in North Queensland, Australia . The laboratory started 35 years ago as a council laboratory monitoring the city's potable and wastewater systems. Add in NATA and ISO accreditation, and a subsequent business decision to market excess capacity to surrounding smaller councils and the business community, and this once small council lab now generates over 1 million dollars annually from external client’s analysis.